Explore the Mystical Manghopir Mazar in Karachi : Sakhi Sult Verification: a873f92732fd9043

Explore the Mystical Manghopir Mazar in Karachi : Sakhi Sultan Manghopir

Manghopir Mazar, Pir Mangho is a common name for the Sufi saint Pir Haji Syed Sakhi Sultan, who is associated with the Manghopir shrine in Karachi , Pakistan.

 The name “Manghopir” is derived from his name, as “Mangho” is a colloquial Sindhi term for “Manghoon,” which means “a person who is lost or absorbed in meditation.” Pir Mangho is revered by both Muslims and Hindus in the region. His shrine at Manghopir is considered a sacred site and a popular destination for pilgrims and visitors alike.

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Manghopir Mazar , Hot Springs and Healing Resort

Pir Mangho Hot Springs and Healing Resort is a popular tourist destination near Manghopir Mazar in Karachi, Pakistan. The resort is situated at the foothills of a mountain range and is known for its natural hot springs, which are believed to have therapeutic properties.

The hot springs at Pir Mangho are said to be effective in treating various health issues, including arthritis, rheumatism, and skin conditions. Visitors can also enjoy a variety of spa treatments that incorporate the healing properties of the hot springs.

Overall, Pir Mangho Hot Springs and Healing Resort provides a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for visitors seeking a natural healing retreat.

Manghopir Mazar , Pir Mangho Urs

The Pir Mangho Urs is a traditional annual URS at the Pir Mangho Shrine in Karachi, Pakistan. The festival honours Pir Mangho, a Sufi saint revered by many in the region. 

The Urs is a time for celebration, prayer, and reflection, attracting many devotees from all over the country.

The shrine is decorated with lights and flowers during the Urs, and a special ceremony is held to mark the occasion. Devotees offer prayers, make offerings of flowers and sweets, and seek the blessings of Pir Mangho from Allah. Many also participate in a procession that winds its way through the streets of Karachi.

The Pir Mangho Urs symbolises Karachi’s rich cultural heritage and the importance of Sufism in the region. People of all backgrounds and beliefs must unite in unity and devotion.

The Crocodiles of Manghopir

Manghopir, located in Karachi, is known for its famous shrine and hot springs. As well as marsh crocodiles, it is home to several other creatures. Visitors to Manghopir can often spot these crocodiles basking in the sun on the banks of the nearby streams and canals. 

While they are generally not aggressive towards humans, exercising caution and keeping a safe distance is important. The presence of these crocodiles adds to the unique and mystical atmosphere of Manghopir.

manghopir mazar

Key Points


Manghopir Mazar

A sacred site located in Karachi, Pakistan that has been significant since ancient times


Originally built as a Hindu temple, it was later converted into a Muslim shrine and has been visited by various rulers throughout history

Ismail Shah

Considered the founder of the shrine, he built the first temple at the site

Hot Springs

The area around Manghopir Mazar has hot springs that are believed to have healing properties and attract visitors for therapeutic purposes


The mangrove swamps near the hot springs are home to a population of marsh crocodiles that are protected and considered sacred by the local community


An annual festival held in honor of Pir Mangho, the Sufi saint associated with the shrine

Visiting Tips

Visitors are advised to dress modestly and show respect for the sacred site and its customs, as well as to take precautions when visiting the hot springs and crocodile habitat

How to get our service to pray on your behalf

Our service allows you to connect with the saint and receive his blessings from afar. 

Our team will visit the shrine on your behalf and offer prayers and supplications at the saint’s tomb. To request our service, simply fill out the form on our website, and we will contact you shortly.


Manghopir Mazar Karachi

Manghopir Mazar is an important pilgrimage site located in Karachi , Pakistan. It is a mausoleum of a Sufi saint understood as Sakhi Sultan Baba , who is believed to have mystical powers and is revered by both Muslims and Hindus. 

The site is known for its unique architecture, with a large dome-shaped shrine and several smaller shrines surrounding it. Local beliefs and legends are also associated with the site, making it a popular destination for spiritual seekers. 

The annual Manghopir Mela festival (URS) is also held here, attracting thousands of visitors nationwide.

Manghopir History

The Manghopir Mazar is a part of Karachi’s history and has been an important site in India since ancient times. To share some information about it, it is necessary to present Ismail Shah, who is the reason behind the name of this site.

Ismail Shah is known as the real founder of this site, who built a shrine here. Later, this shrine was used as a place of worship for Muslims, even though this place has been present for a long time and was famous in the reign of the rulers of the following countries in India:

  1. Seljuk Empire
  2. Khilji Dynasty
  3. Mughal Empire

Even after the formation of Pakistan, the Manghopir Mazar is still becoming an important site for various personalities to pass through. In addition, this site is an important pilgrimage for local people who come here to visit.

Manghopir crocodile

Manghopir Crocodile is a famous crocodile that lives in the Manghopir area of Karachi, Pakistan. It is believed to be over 100 years old and is considered sacred by the local community. 

The crocodile lives in a pond near the Manghopir Shrine and is fed by caretakers and devotees who visit the site. Many people believe that the crocodile has mystical powers and can grant wishes to those who make offerings to it. 

As a result, it has become a popular tourist attraction and is visited by thousands of people every year.

Manghopir Garam Chashma

Manghopir Garam Chashma is a natural hot spring near the Manghopir area of Karachi, Pakistan. The hot spring is believed to have healing properties and is a popular destination for people seeking relief from various ailments. 

The water from the spring is rich in minerals and is said to have a temperature of around 70°C (158°F). Visitors can dip in hot water and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of spring. 

The area around the hot spring is also known for its scenic beauty and is a great place for nature lovers to explore.



Manghopir shrine

Manghopir Shrine, also known as Sakhi Sultan Shrine, is a well-known Sufi shrine in the Manghopir region of Karachi, Pakistan. The shrine is devoted to a Sufi saint, Hazrat Sakhi Sultan , who is supposed to have lived in the 10th century. 

Muslims believe the shrine holy , drawing thousands of devotees each year. The shrine has amazing architecture, a special blue dome , and white marble minarets. 

The area around the shrine is also known for its natural beauty and is home to the Manghopir Hills and Manghopir Lake. 

The shrine is an important cultural and religious landmark in Karachi and is a must-visit for those interested in Sufism and Islamic history.

Manghopir Mazar Location

Manghopir Mazar is located in the Manghopir area of Karachi, Pakistan. It is situated near the Manghopir Hills and is easily accessible from different parts of the city.

What is the history of Sakhi Sultan Manghopir mazar and how did it become a significant pilgrimage site?

Manghopir Mazar is an important pilgrimage site for Muslims in Karachi, Pakistan. The history of this sacred site dates back to the 12th century when a Sufi saint named Sakhi Sultan arrived in the region. 

According to local legend, Sakhi Sultan had supernatural powers, and people believed he could heal the sick and grant wishes. The saint chose to live near a natural spring in the area now known as Manghopir. 

Over time, a shrine was built around the site, becoming an important pilgrimage site for devotees across the region. 

Today, thousands of people visit Manghopir Mazar yearly to offer dua (prayer) and seek blessings from the Sufi saint. The site is considered to have healing powers, and people often tie threads around the trees near the shrine, believing that their wishes will come true.

What are the local beliefs and legends associated with Manghopir Mazar?

Local beliefs and legends surround Manghopir Mazar passed down through generations. One of the most popular beliefs is that the site has healing powers and can cure various illnesses. Devotees often come to the shrine hoping to be cured of their ailments.

 Another legend associated with the site is that tying a thread around the trees near the shrine can help fulfil one’s wishes. People also believe offering dua (prayer) at Manghopir Mazar can bring good luck and prosperity.

Additionally, it is believed that the Sufi saint Sakhi Sultan had supernatural powers and could perform miracles. The shrine is also said to have played a significant role in developing the Manghopir neighbourhood named after the saint. 

The local people hold the shrine in high regard and consider it a sacred place connecting them with their spiritual beliefs and heritage.

manghopir mazar

What is the significance of offering dua (prayer) at Manghopir Mazar?

Offering dua (prayer) at Manghopir Mazar holds great significance for Muslims in Karachi and other parts of Pakistan. The site is considered sacred, where the Sufi saint Sakhi Sultan performed miracles and helped needy people.

 Muslims believe offering dua at the shrine can bring them closer to God and help fulfil their wishes. People often come to the site with specific requests or needs, believing that the saint’s blessings can help them overcome their difficulties. Offering dua at Manghopir Mazar is also a way to express gratitude and seek forgiveness. 

It is common for devotees to offer gifts or donations at the shrine to show their devotion and seek blessings from the saint. Overall, offering dua at Manghopir Mazar is a way for Muslims to connect with their faith and seek guidance and blessings from a revered Sufi saint.

What is the unique architecture of Manghopir Mazar, and what makes it stand out?

Sakhi Sultan Manghopir Mazar is known for its unique and distinct architecture that puts it apart from other provincial shrines. The shrine’s white marble dome includes a distinctive leafy stripe around its base. 

The dome’s interior is adorned with intricate geometric designs and calligraphy , while the exterior has decorative tiles and panels. A courtyard with marble flooring and a central fountain surrounds the shrine.

 Large trees shade the courtyard, and several smaller shrines and tombs are scattered around the site. The main entrance to the shrine is a grand gateway with a pointed arch and ornamental tilework. 

The shrine’s minaret is another prominent feature decorated with intricate carvings and patterns. Overall, the unique architecture of Manghopir Mazar combines elements of Islamic, Mughal, and local architectural styles, making it a fascinating and visually stunning site to visit.

What is the Manghopir Mela festival, and what is its cultural significance?

The Manghopir Mela festival, also known as the Urs of Sakhi Sultan, is a major annual event at Manghopir Mazar in Karachi, Pakistan. The festival is held to commemorate the death anniversary of the Sufi saint Sakhi Sultan, who is buried at the shrine.

 The festival usually takes place over several days, attracting thousands of devotees from Pakistan and beyond. There are various activities and events during the festival, such as music and dance performances, poetry recitals, and traditional Sufi rituals.

The cultural significance of the Manghopir Mela festival lies in its celebration of Sufi culture and its promotion of interfaith harmony. The festival symbolises unity among people from different backgrounds and religions who come together to pay their respects to the saint and seek his blessings. 

The festival also allows visitors to experience Karachi’s vibrant culture and traditions and the wider Sindh region. Overall, the Manghopir Mela festival is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan and the enduring legacy of the Sufi saints, The history and identity of the country are shaped by their contributions.

What are the top attractions around Manghopir Mazar, and how can you plan your trip to Karachi, Pakistan?

If you plan a trip to Karachi, Pakistan, visiting Manghopir Mazar is necessary. However, several other attractions in the area are worth exploring. Here are some of the top attractions to visit around Manghopir Mazar:

  • Mohatta Palace: This historical palace is a popular tourist destination with a collection of art and artefacts from the region’s rich cultural history.
  • Frere Hall: This colonial-era building is a beautiful example of Victorian architecture and now serves as a library and cultural centre.
  • Clifton Beach: This is one of Karachi’s most popular beaches, known for its sandy shores and clear waters.
  • Empress Market: This bustling market is a great place to experience Karachi’s sights, sounds, and flavours and buy local souvenirs.
  • Port Grand: This waterfront promenade is a popular entertainment destination with various restaurants, shops, and attractions.

When planning your trip to Karachi, it’s important to research the local customs and culture and take necessary safety precautions. It’s also a good idea to book your accommodations and transportation in advance and consider hiring a local guide to help you navigate the city and get the most out of your experience. 

With its rich history, vibrant culture, and friendly people, Karachi is a fascinating and rewarding destination for travellers.

What is the unique architecture of Manghopir Mazar, and what makes it stand out?

Sakhi Sultan Manghopir Mazar is known for its unique and distinct architecture that puts it apart from other provincial shrines. The shrine’s white marble dome includes a distinctive leafy stripe around its base. 

The dome’s interior is adorned with intricate geometric designs and calligraphy , while the exterior has decorative tiles and panels. A courtyard with marble flooring and a central fountain surrounds the shrine. 

Large trees shade the courtyard, and several smaller shrines and tombs are scattered around the site. The main entrance to the shrine is a grand gateway with a pointed arch and ornamental tilework. The shrine’s minaret is another prominent feature decorated with intricate carvings and patterns. 

Overall, the unique architecture of Manghopir Mazar combines elements of Islamic, Mughal, and local architectural styles, making it a fascinating and visually stunning site to visit.

manghopir mazar

What is the Manghopir Mela festival, and what is its cultural significance?

The Manghopir Mela festival, also known as the Urs of Sakhi Sultan, is a major annual event at Manghopir Mazar in Karachi, Pakistan. The festival is held to commemorate the death anniversary of the Sufi saint Sakhi Sultan, who is buried at the shrine. 

The festival usually takes place over several days, attracting thousands of devotees from Pakistan and beyond. There are various activities and events during the festival, such as music and dance performances, poetry recitals, and traditional Sufi rituals.

The cultural significance of the Manghopir Mela festival lies in its celebration of Sufi culture and its promotion of interfaith harmony. The festival symbolises unity among people from different backgrounds and religions who come together to pay their respects to the saint and seek his blessings.

 The festival also allows visitors to experience Karachi’s vibrant culture, traditions, and wider Sindh region. Overall, the Manghopir Mela festival is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan and the enduring legacy of the Sufi saints; their contributions shape the history and identity of the country.

What are the top attractions around Manghopir Mazar, and how can you plan your trip to Karachi, Pakistan?

Manghopir Mazar is a popular pilgrimage site in Karachi, Pakistan, and there are several accommodations nearby offer a comfortable and convenient stay for visitors. Here are some of the best accommodations near Manghopir Mazar:

  • Hotel Mehran: This is a well-known hotel in Karachi and offers a range of room options and amenities, including free Wi-Fi and a fitness centre.
  • Karachi Marriott Hotel: This 5-star hotel is located near the city centre and offers luxurious rooms, an outdoor pool, and several dining options.
  • Avari Towers Karachi: This hotel is a popular choice for business and leisure travellers and offers spacious rooms, a fitness centre, and several restaurants.
  • Ramada Plaza Karachi: This hotel is located near Clifton Beach and offers comfortable rooms and suites, an outdoor pool, and a spa.

To book your stay at one of these accommodations or any other nearby hotels, you can use online booking platforms like Booking.com or Expedia or contact the hotel directly through their website or phone number. It’s important to book your accommodations in advance to ensure availability and a comfortable stay during your visit to Manghopir Mazar.

What are the different transportation options available to reach Manghopir Mazar, and how can you easily plan your trip?

Manghopir Mazar is located in Karachi, Pakistan, and several transportation options are available for visitors to reach the pilgrimage site. Here are some of the most convenient and popular options:

  • Taxi or ride-hailing services: Visitors can easily hire a taxi or use ride-hailing services like Careem or Uber to reach 
  • Manghopir Mazar. This is a convenient option as visitors can be dropped off at the shrine’s entrance.
  • Public buses: Several public buses operate in Karachi and can take visitors to Manghopir Mazar. Visitors can ask the locals or use Google Maps to find the appropriate bus route.
  • Private cars: Visitors can hire a private car or use their vehicle to reach Manghopir Mazar. It’s important to note that parking facilities near the shrine may be limited.

To plan your trip with ease, it’s recommended to use a GPS navigation app like Google Maps or Waze to navigate to the shrine. Additionally, visitors should plan their visit during non-peak hours to avoid traffic and crowds. Dressing modestly and respecting cultural and religious customs while visiting the shrine is also recommended.

What is the local food scene around Manghopir Mazar, and what are some must-try dishes for visitors?

Karachi is known for its diverse and delicious food scene, and plenty of local food options are available around Manghopir Mazar. Here are some must-try dishes for visitors:

Biryani: Karachi is famous for its spicy and flavorful biryani, a rice-based dish usually served with meat or chicken. Some popular biryani spots near Manghopir Mazar include Student Biryani and Biryani Centre.

  • Nihari: Nihari is a rich and flavorful beef stew typically eaten for breakfast in Karachi. Some popular nihari spots near Manghopir Mazar include Javed Nihari and Zahid Nihari.
  • Haleem: During Ramadan, haleem is a stew made with wheat, lentils, and meat. Some popular haleem spots near Manghopir Mazar include Madni Haleem and Nimco Corner.
  • Karahi: Karahi is a spicy and savoury dish made with meat or chicken, tomatoes, and spices and is usually served in a wok-like dish. Some popular karahi spots near Manghopir Mazar include Karachi Karahi and Kolachi Restaurant.
  • Street food: Karachi is famous for its street food scene, with plenty of vendors selling delicious and affordable snacks like samosas, chaat, and kebabs. Visitors can explore the various food stalls and vendors around Manghopir Mazar to taste local street food.

It’s important to note that many local food options may be spicy or heavily seasoned, so visitors with sensitive stomachs should proceed cautiously. Eating from clean and hygienic food vendors is also recommended to avoid health issues.

What are some tips for visitors to make the most of their visit to Manghopir Mazar and experience the mystical atmosphere of this sacred site?

Here are some tips for visitors to make the most of their visit to Manghopir Mazar and experience the mystical atmosphere of this sacred site:

  • Dress appropriately: As a place of worship, visitors should dress modestly and respectfully, covering their arms and legs. Removing your shoes before entering the main shrine area is also recommended.
  • Respect local customs: The Manghopir Mazar is an important religious site for the local community. Visitors should respect local customs and traditions and avoid causing any offence.
  • Hire a guide: To get the most out of your visit, consider hiring a local guide who can provide insights into the history, legends, and beliefs associated with the site.
  • Visit during the Manghopir Mela festival: Plan your visit around the annual Manghopir Mela festival, held in the Islamic month of Safar. This vibrant and colourful event attracts pilgrims and visitors from all over Pakistan.
  • Try local street food: Karachi is known for its delicious street food, and the area around Manghopir Mazar is no exception. Be sure to try local specialities like biryani, kebabs, and samosas.
  • Be cautious with your belongings: As with any crowded area, it’s important to be cautious with your belongings and keep an eye on your valuables.

By following these tips, visitors can make the most of their visit to Manghopir Mazar and experience this sacred site’s spiritual and cultural richness. Abdullah Shah Ghazi , Services, dargah services

manghopir mazar


  • Manghopir Mazar is a historic shrine located in Karachi, Pakistan.
  • The site has been important since ancient times and was well-known during the rule of various empires in the Indian subcontinent.
  • The shrine was established by Ismail Shah, who built a temple at the site, which later became a Muslim place of worship.
  • The site remains an important pilgrimage site for local residents and visitors from around the country.
  • The shrine is located near the Manghopir hot springs, known for their healing properties.
  • The area around the shrine is also known for its population of marsh crocodiles.
  • The annual Urs festival is held at the shrine to commemorate the death anniversary of Pir Mangho, a Sufi saint believed to have spiritual power and healing abilities.
  • The shrine and its surroundings have a mystical and spiritual atmosphere.

Visitors are advised to respect the local people’s customs and traditions and take appropriate precautions when visiting the area.





In conclusion, Manghopir Mazar is an important historical and religious site in Karachi, Pakistan. The country has a long history dating back to ancient times and has been associated with different rulers and civilizations. 

The site is also home to a hot spring, a healing resort and a sanctuary for marsh crocodiles. The annual Urs festival is celebrated at the shrine, attracting visitors from all over the region. Overall, Manghopir Mazar remains an important cultural and religious landmark in Pakistan.

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Our Service : Hire us

At Pir Mangho’s shrine, visitors can witness the beauty of nature and experience spiritual healing. However, some may not have the means to visit the shrine due to distance or other constraints. 

Our service offers the opportunity to visit Pir Mangho’s shrine on your behalf, so you can experience the location’s spiritual energy and natural beauty without having to physically be there. Our professionals will perform the visit on your behalf and provide a detailed experience report. 

Let us bring the spiritual and natural wonders of Pir Mangho’s shrine to you, wherever you are. Trust us to provide a meaningful and unforgettable experience.


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